CMPT 165
Introduction to the Internet
and the World Wide Web
By Hassan S. Shavarani
Unit5: Graphics
- Using Images on Web Pages
- Image Formats
- Bitmap Image Formats
The <img>
Tag Example Again
<img src=""
alt="My vacation" />
<img src="pics/vacation.jpg" alt="My vacation" />
* the HTML reference for <img>
, "width"
, and "height"
is a necessity if the image actually conveys any content
so if the image actually has some meaning
then alt should be a text-equivalent of that meaning
and "height"
used to give the browser a hint about how big the image is;
how much space it will take up on the page
this way the browser will quickly fill the page
with an empty rectangle where the image goes
both values are given in pixels
Important hint about "width"
and "height"
you should not use width and height
to change the size of an image
if you want the image to be a different size, then it should be scaled in an image editor
when adding images to your web pages
it can be very easy to create pages
that take an annoying amount of time to load
for a page containing 5 images of size 2MB each
- ~ 2-4 seconds on computer
- >8 seconds on mobile (with a descent connection)
The Problem
if the total amount of data that must be downloaded is too large (e.g. 5 images of size 2MB each)
the page will take much longer to be loaded
The Solution
scale-down the images!
when creating pages, keep the total size of files
(HTML + CSS + images + JavaScript + …)
less than
Image Formats
different ways to represent images
in a computer (and on web pages)
Bitmap and Vector Images
- Vector Image
- represented as a collection of shapes: lines, curves, circles, squares, etc. (left red circle)
- Bitmap Image
- represented as a grid of pixels each of which is given a particular colour (right red circle)
Bitmap and Vector Images (Zoomed Example)
- vector description of the left image:
- a circle with a black outline and red fill, with centre at (...px, ...px) and radius of ...px
- bitmap description of the right image:
- a collection of coloured square pixels
Vector Image Format Advantages
Shorter download time
- Vector Image Example ~ 2KB
- Bitmap Image Example ~ 11KB
More smooth scaling when being printed, or on high-resolution displays
* image from
Vector Image Format Disadvantages
not all images make sense as a vector image!
* image from
Image Vectorization
an automatic attempt to turn the image
into vector shapes
not all the images can be easily converted
to the vector format
In such cases the image size drastically increases! (here 12KBs to 54KBs)
* image from
Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG) format
the only vector image format that is relevant to the web;
we will work more with SVG later in the course
Bitmap Image Example
as mentioned before a bitmap image is made up of
a grid of pixels
* image from
Bitmap Image Contents - Basic Idea
row 1: white pixel, white pixel, white pixel, ...
row 2: dark grey pixel, black pixel, black pixel, ...
* image from
Windows Bitmap (.BMP) format
simply record the color of each pixel
with no compression!
the BMP format is not used on the web because it produces very large (uncompressed) files
Portable Network Graphics (.PNG) format
same idea as windows bitmap
but with image compression!
produces smaller files with no loss in quality
therefore is common on the web
the image taking 526KBs using .BMP can take
around 36KBs using .PNG (24-bit palette) without loss of information
Bitmap Image Format
Different Palettes (Color Depths)
we can use different palettes for storing the color of each square in a bitmap image;
the palette is stored along with the pixel data in the file itself
- 24-bit color (true colour) palette: 16,777,216 different colors
- 8-bit color palette: 256 different colors
- generally, n-bit color palette: 2n different colors
Color Depth Choice Example [8-bit vs. 3-bit]
* image from
Color Depth Choice Example [8-bit vs. 3-bit]
* image from[8/3].png
Image Compression Types
- lossless compression: e.g. PNG format
- lossy compression: e.g. JPEG format